There are some things in life that I can never quite be sure about. Like why does cereal tastes so much better when it's eaten for dinner? Or why is it that I can never spell buisness/business/buisiness right the first time? Or why did anyone ever ever ever give the go ahead for Mean Girls 2?! But there are also things in life of which I am absolutely certain. And one of those things is that I will def def deffo be returning to Budapest. Multiples times. To drink multiple cocktails. Enjoy myself multiple times over. And generally just baske in the beauty of Budapsetian frivolity. Yeah I really dug Budapest, guys.

Other Budapest posts can be found here and here. Next week I am being a total spoilt brat/lucky lady and being taken to Berlin by Mikey for mah burfday, so please consider this sufficient warning for what will be the biggest Berlin-photo-spam the world has ever seen.
In the meantime ya hot potatoes; I'm on Bloglovin', Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
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